Parent Coaching Sessions

What you can expect from coaching:

  • Insight and strategies for challenging issues with children, from toddlers to teens, that encourage healthy maturation and cooperation

  • Ideas and support that address the roots of problem behavior to set the stage for lasting change

  • Deeper understanding of how to provide the conditions that will allow your child to grow into an independent, kind, creative, and passionate adults

  • New strategies that are informed by child development and current science

Sessions are 55 minutes long and we will look at the presenting issue from different angles. I will ask questions and endeavor to understand what is going on for you and your child (but the child is not present at the meeting). I will share a developmental lens and together we will come up with ideas for how to move forward. Many times people only need one session and sometimes people schedule regularly for a time for the ongoing support to make changes. I look forward to supporting you on your parenting journey!



Sessions are via Zoom

Fee: $135 for 55-minute session (sliding scale available-please inquire!)

Please contact me to schedule a free 20-minute consultation to see if working together is a good fit.